Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Children’s Principles of Learning - Title 1

Community Building:

1.      Welcoming:  One of the most important principles is being welcoming and inviting to the students.  When kids come to Title 1, they are often nervous because they have to leave their rooms.  Greeting them with a big smile, friendly voice, and fun attitude will help them feel comfortable and safe in the group.  They also are students who struggle more than their classmates.  If they feel welcomed into the small group, they will forget about their struggles and enjoy learning in a different way.

2.      Relationships:  Tied very closely to welcoming is building relationships.  When attempting to build a bond with children, being welcoming, inviting, and friendly will immediately connect teacher and student together.  Kids are very trusting and vulnerable.  By showing them care, taking an interest in their lives, and giving them love, they will thrive both emotionally and academically.

3.      Communication:  Communicating with students is extremely important so they see that they have a hand in their academic journey.  By setting goals, they can choose their outcome.  It is the teacher’s job to move them through the process.  Throughout the process progress monitoring must be done so the students can see the results of their efforts.  Monitoring also guides the teacher in what and how they will assist the student in reaching their goals.

4.      Small Group Safety:  Unlike the classroom setting, students who work in small groups need an elevated level of safety.  They need to know that they are safe to make mistakes.  The best way to grow as a learner is by learning from mistakes. 
Educational Practices:

5.      Identification/Ongoing Progress monitoring:  Before servicing students in K-4 in Title 1, there must first be a through identification process.  Throughout September, January, and April month two assessments are given.  NWEA-MAPS and FAST CBM’s are given to every student to find out where they are at academically and how fluent they can read.  A teacher’s needs assessment is also given out to find out how the students are doing in the classroom.

6.      Content: Throughout kindergarten through second grade, Title 1 reading focuses on the same content areas as the classroom but in a remedial way.  The skills most important to focus on are letter names, sounds with manipulation, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension.  If these areas are taught in a small group setting, students will see improvement in their learning with the goal to reach grade level performance.

7.      Small Group Instruction:  Struggling students may fly under the radar in the classroom.  Some students master the art of coping.  Thus, it is not always clear whether have the skills needed for reading or comprehending.  By participating in a small group, the needs of each student can be clearly met and they can grow and learn from one another as well as the teacher.
The above principles are the most important practices that I honor on a daily bases when coordinating a high functioning Title 1 Reading Intervention program.  The principles are essential to put into place when starting from the beginning of servicing students (community building and identification), to the daily servicing over long periods of time (safety, communication, content, and instruction).  These principles can be used in the general education setting as well, but are primarily geared for special services. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Grit and persistence

Persistence is a quality that is so important to possess not only in teaching but in life.  For me, persistence means to keep pursuing my personal beliefs, goals, and dreams even when life throws road blocks in my way.  Just as water finds a way to flow through and around whatever is in its way, I too need to find a way to pursue that which I perceive to be my beliefs, goals, and dreams.  I have moments in life when I have wanted to quit or shut the process down.  I usually end up moving forward and finding a way to make it happen.  Grit, which is another word for persistence, is a new word that is gaining ground in my life.  I had never heard about or thought about grit before a week ago.  Now, I am intrigued to think about how I live a life having grit and what that means for me.  By becoming more clear about grit, I can better wrap it into my teaching and provide key reminders to my students when they get stuck in a fixed mindset.  I can hardly wait to add "yet" to their phrases of doubt and negativity.  I always have challenged my students to be positive and strong but now I can add new words to their thinking.  My students, struggling readers, must have grit and persistence in order to keep working at something that is so difficult for them on a day to day basis.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Glanz's Virtues in relation to my life

After finishing my survey on virtues in leadership, empathy was on the top of my list while courage and enthusiasm took a close second.  I can empathy playing out in my life in several ways.  In my teaching, this is the area that can actually trip me up in my servicing of at risk students.  I take too many on in my groups.  Best intervention is 3-4 students and I take 6-7 so students aren't left out.  I see every student as my son, who struggled in school.  I wouldn't have wanted him to have been left out of a group, so I don't want to say no to these kids.  I also want to help everyone and I am a rescuer.  I want to fix all the everything that I perceive as a wrong in where ever I am.  I then get resentful because I have no down time and have a hard time getting done what I have to get done.  This is seen in my personal as well as my work life.

AGAPE - Empathy can be seen in Genderativity and Presence.  By creating a classroom of trust and welcoming and helping kids understand how to be kind to each other and themselves are places empathy can be seen.  Without empathy, AGAPE would be missing the G and the P and you would only have a bunch of vowels.  Just like teaching, without empathy, you would just have a bunch of people not caring or interacting with one another with care or concern.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

ROL on Gender Differences

My summer reading on my research topic, Gender Differences, was amazing to me.  I absolutely was transformed while reading my research.  By understanding the differences between boys and girls has re-framed my understanding of children.  I truly did not know most of what I read.  Teachers should know that each gender has differences in the areas of vision, hearing, behavior, learning, brain development, and biology/physiology.  Since school has been back in session, I am amazed at how much more patient and understanding I am with both genders.  I use to get into power struggles with kids who were behavior problems....mostly boys.  Recently, I have had several opportunities to help teachers with boys who were having trouble in the classroom.  Now, I understand what they need.  I bring them in my room for movement.  I get them out of their head and help them focus on something fun.  I give them tactile things to play with before talking about what is going on and what needs to happen.  I may not completely resolve the situation but I am not getting frustrated or experiencing feelings of defeat.  By having these few experiences, I know my groups are going to go well when they start.  I will be able to provide just what each gender needs in order to feel more successful and accepted.  What can teachers do?  Becoming educated in the field of gender differences is the best way to implement changes in the classroom.  Since I have been sharing with my coworkers some of my findings, they have come to me with stories of when they had greater understanding of what was going on with the student.  They were excited and so was I.  Nothing but good can come from better understanding and accepting differences in kids.