Monday, June 3, 2013

“Where attention goes, there energy goes!”

As I have journeyed through my life, I have outwardly observed my inner-self become more intentional about why and how I live my life.  I have created positive energy flow by finding the positive in my life.  I have been purposeful about living simply and have resisted the urge to surround myself with constant distractions.  These actions fall in line with the principle of intention. In order for me to stay committed to living simply, I have had to give my constant attention to the practice.  There are so many things in life that challenge the ability to live simply; yet, by being focused and committed I have been able to stay on course.  This ability to attend falls in line with the principle of attention. 

The principle of intention is purposeful action in life that is generated from the mind, body, and/or spirit.  Likewise, the principle of attention gives the ability to direct or focus the energy that is generated mentally physically and/or spiritually. When personal energy is focused it affects others by causing their energy to be focused in the same ways.  A perfect example is found in the saying, “What you give out is what you get back.”  Upon reading both chapters on intention and attention, it is obvious to see how the two connect to one another.  One of my favorite bible quotes was used as an example of intention brought about by attention, “Where your treasure is, there your heart is also.”  Years ago I helped plan and speak at a youth retreat with the treasure theme.  The focus was on living a Godly life in order to bring about good.  This has always been my focus/attention as I have traveled through the past 20 years.   I believe evil or negativity challenges us or distracts us from being grounded in who we are.  The author says, “Many leaders suffer from intermittent attention deficit disorder because the world around them conspires to distract their attention and to rob them of focus and because things come at leaders from all directions.”  These distractions are the forces of evil/negativity that work against what is good and positive.  By being surrounded by positive people, who have the similar intentions and focus, we can live a three dimensional life full of depth.  In turn, we will not only be affective but will affect others in authentic life-giving ways.


  1. Hi Beth~ What a beautifully worded first paragraph! I would love to be more intentional ALL of the time, but I easily get caught up in the moment and lose sight as to what is REALLY important. Your quote: "There are so many things in life that challenge the ability to live simply; yet, by being focused and committed I have been able to stay on course." Oh, how I wish I could be more like that! How did you become so graceful with your thinking? I 100% agree that attitude can change everything. If one has a positive attitude, that energy will travel to others...the same goes for negativity. I think that I have a form of IADD because I get distracted and loose my focus easily, even though I surround myself with positivity. How do you stay so focused?

    1. Hi Jess,

      Thank you so much for your kind comments. Staying focused is always a challenge. A couple things I have embedded into my life as I have gotten older are: 1) I get up 40 minutes early every morning before school, drink coffee =), look out into my backyard, and think about all that I am grateful for that day. 2) In my personal life, I only say yes to the things I truly want to do. This practice cuts down on my "crabbing" and being negative. If I say yes, then no crabbing about it. 3) I keep my life pretty slow. I don't like being super busy. I must have down time everyday. This is easier now that my kids are older. 4) I have read short "ah ha" books and I leave them around the house so I can see them called, "I'm not to Busy" and "The Wisdom of the Tao", and "The Precious Present". These are just a few.

      Now please remember, I am striving for a simple life. I have my ups and downs like everyone, but as I age it is getting easier to live intentionally.

      I hope this helps. =)

  2. Sure like your post here.... it has that philosophy touch! I tried to stay away from "birding" talk, but a guy just kept asking questions much to my daughter's the energy went in that direction as I gave him quite a dose. The MSN page always tries to distract me from just wanting to read my email by using the flippant newslines and photos of various celebrities. mjb

    1. Your passion is "birding" so of course you want to talk about it. I only met you and can tell your calm and relaxed persona must come from the time you spend in solitude doing what you love. Good for you!

  3. Beth,
    This post puts a great perspective on life. I think about the saying "Keeping up with the Jones." This can easily distract us from our intentions in life. We are not all equal and if we were how boring would life be. It is important to keep our focus on what is important to us and not trying to have the latest and greatest just because everyone else does.

    1. Hi Kenzie,

      I have to say, my husband and I have had many conversations over the years about that exact quote, "keeping up...". We have intentionally moved in the opposite direction. We have done all we can to live our own simple lives and to help our children live that way as well. Who are the Jones and why does everyone want to keep up with them? LOL

  4. Beth~
    Your statement of “I believe evil or negativity challenges us or distracts us from being grounded in who we are” is a very powerful statement. It is true. I have had to battle the negativity around me this past year. I have never realized how much negativity was actually around me until I took a step back and listened to what was being said around me. I decided one day, I can choose to be apart of it or walk away from it. I have been walking away. Negative energy can really bring a person down spiritually. I believe that it does distract a person from what their focus is in life. Your statement was bold and beautiful. ☺ Thanks, Kelley

    1. Hi Kelley,

      Negative energy sure does like to creep it's way into us and take away our positive energy doesn't it? I find myself getting negative at school quite often and I immediately start loathing myself. Who wants to be around that? I truly believe evil is always looking for a way in. I have to constantly think about and surround myself with positive people and thoughts. My faith assures me that good will always prevail. Good luck on your quest for positive influences. Walking away is best but not always easy.
